Investment Portfolios
Investments With a Purpose
We know that achieving your clients’ philanthropic goals requires informed, thoughtful and strategic investment options. At the Community Foundation, we offer three different portfolios each with unique investment allocations to match your clients’ giving goals.
If a donor advised fund is established at the Community Foundation with more than $150,000 in assets, the donor may request an external manager through our Individually Managed Funds program (subject to the Foundation's approval).
As with any investment, past performance does not guarantee comparable future returns.
Cash Reserve Portfolio

As a vehicle for charitable funds with active grant making strategies, assets in this portfolio are expected to be distributed in the near-term. Therefore, assets are held in cash and cash-equivalents such as certificates of deposit, money market funds and U.S. Treasury Bonds.
The Foundation retains earnings equivalent to a 2.0% annual rate of return on funds in this portfolio, and funds retain any earnings above 2.0%. An administrative fee of 0.50% is assessed on new contributions to the fund with no annual fee.Money Market Portfolio

An option designed for funds with a near- to mid-term grant-making strategy, this portfolio seeks current income while preserving capital.
Funds in this portfolio retain all interested earned, and a 1.0% annual administrative fee is collected on a monthly basis, with a $25 minimum (fees reduced for balances over $1M).
Intermediate Portfolio

This portfolio invests in the Admiral Shares of the Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund. By focusing on high income distributing stocks and modest value increases, this portfolio provides income and is structured to tolerate volatility.
This option is designed for charitable funds with medium or longer-term grant-making strategies.
Funds invested in this portfolio retain any earnings/losses and are assessed a 1% annual fee on the balance of the fund on a monthly basis, with a $25 minimum (fees reduced for balances over $1M).
Compound Annualized Returns as of June 30, 2024 (Net of Fees)
- 1-Year: 6.88%
- 5-Year: 4.38%
- 10-Year: 5.13%
- 15-Year: 7.03%
Long-Term Portfolio

This diversified portfolio includes domestic and international equities and fixed-income securities. The Foundation’s Investment Management Committee works to manage and monitor assets invested in this portfolio.
The Committee seeks long-term growth, diversification and limited fees. It utilizes a model created by the South Dakota Investment Council to help guide the asset allocation. While the long-term allocation remains 75% equity and 25% cash and fixed income, the model helps set short-term tactical targets.
This portfolio serves as a vehicle for endowments or funds with strategic long-term charitable plans. Funds invested in this portfolio retain any earnings/losses and are assessed a 1% annual fee on the balance of the fund on a monthly basis, with a $25 minimum (fees reduced for balances over $1M).
Compound Annualized Returns as of June 30, 2024 (Net of Fees)
- 1-Year: 11.35%
- 5-Year: 7.09%
- 10-Year: 6.09%
- 20-Year: 6.89%
- 30-Year: 7.60%
Investment Management Committee
This committee of volunteers meets monthly to analyze market conditions and make timely, tactical adjustments to the Long-Term Portfolio:
- Angeline Lavin (Chair), SFACF board member
- Todd Ernst, SFACF board member
- Suzanne Veenis, SFACF board member
- Scott Van Horssen, Financial professional
- Jarrod Edelen, Financial professional
Asset allocations as of 6/30/2024