July 26, 2023Community Foundation NewsKelly Sprecher
Meet the Feisty Fighters, a nonprofit that provides meaningful support to cancer patients in need. And thanks to its endowment at the Community Foundation, this special organization will continue touching lives for generations to come.
July 26, 2023Community Foundation NewsKelly Sprecher
It began as a group of women united in fellowship and philanthropy. It ended 15 years later as a testament to the power of friendship, compassion and generosity. The Giving Circle is an inspiration to us all.
July 26, 2023Community Foundation NewsKelly Sprecher
A Community Foundation grant is supporting a new Drug Court program designed to connect people battling addiction with coaches who have successfully navigated the difficult road to recovery.
July 26, 2023Community Foundation NewsKelly Sprecher
“These are two incredibly smart and community-minded individuals who share our passion for making the Sioux Falls area an even better place to call home. We’re excited to have them on our team as we work to enhance our community and improve quality of life through philanthropy," said Andy Patterson, president of the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation. Learn more about the newest members of our Board of Directors, Angela Lammers and Patrick Sweetman.
July 20, 2023Community Foundation NewsKelly Sprecher
The $500,000 gift from philanthropists and civic volunteers Joe and Jennifer Kirby will support a project to renovate and expand the locker room areas at the Midco Aquatic Center.