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Request for Proposals: Education Grants for Teachers

Calling all area teachers, including childcare providers — the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation wants to help bring your innovative ideas for classroom projects to life through our Excellence in Education grantmaking initiative.
Classroom teachers from all grade levels in Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, and Turner counties are eligible to apply for classroom grants, including childcare providers from nonprofit centers and teachers at parochial, private, and public schools.
About the Excellence in Education Initiative
Now in its 32nd year, the Excellence in Education initiative offers grants to teachers who have creative and innovative ideas for classroom projects. Since the program began, hundreds of programs and activities designed by teachers throughout the Sioux Falls area have received grant funding, enriching educational experiences for students.
Proposals must be received by midnight on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023.
"We've always known that teachers are amazing, and that's never been more apparent than during these last few years," said Patrick Gale, vice president for community investment. "Teachers give of themselves in countless ways to inspire, guide, care for and nurture our kids. This is our chance to give back in support of their ideas and dreams.”
Excellence in Education Grants in Action
Learn about our 2022 Excellence in Education grant recipients.
Excellence in Education Initiative Grants
Proposals due by midnight on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023.