News for Donor Advisors
Investment Update: Winter 2022

The fourth quarter began exceptionally well with a great monthly performance for domestic equities, then fizzled a little, but finished the year strong.
The S&P returned over 11% for the quarter ending December 31, 2021, buoyed much by the 7.01% return during October. International equities, both developed and emerging markets, did not perform as well during the quarter.

For the entire calendar year, the investment model utilized by the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation recommended maintaining the minimum equity allocation of 65%. Within the equity allocation, the model continues to favor growth over value and international over domestic. This was consistent for the calendar year.
As we begin 2022, components of the economy and investment environment will continue to influence the Foundation’s portfolio. We will rely on the investment model recommendations and maintain a disciplined approach to investing the Foundation’s assets.