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Community Foundation Awards $160,000 in Grants

The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation has announced its latest round of Community Fund grants totaling more than $160,000 in support for local nonprofits and causes throughout our area.
Christian Youth Activity League is dedicated to providing positive athletic and educational activities, both competitive and recreational, for youth ages 6-18. They aim to provide transformative programs with the potential to drive significant social impact through promoting teamwork, initiative, cooperation, and constructive competitiveness for boys and girls.
The Community Foundation Grant will support the expansion of their flag football league which, in addition to providing athletic opportunities, helps kids bridge social gaps and learn to work as a team with others who have differences in culture, language, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The additional funding will allow them to expand the program to include more participants and keep the financial barrier to entry affordable for families.
Lost&Found's mission is to deliver comprehensive, data-driven, and resilience-focused suicide prevention and postvention programs and services for youth and young adults and their support networks. They envision a world in which no young adult dies by suicide and where the tools and support for developing lifelong wellness are easily accessible.
The Community Foundation Grant will support the Survivors Joining for Hope program, which is an effort to provide resource navigation and financial assistance services to suicide loss survivors across South Dakota. The program's current goals are to implement Medicaid processes & technology, coordinate their efforts with local and statewide service providers, and provide grief training and support to community members.
The Watering Can supports local art by providing professional development, coaching and consulting for artists and creatives to support their success and encourage them to remain in Sioux Falls.
The Community Foundation Grant will support their new Work of Art Toolkit initiative, which aims to help artists advance their businesses by training them in time management, marketing, promotions, recordkeeping, and other areas vital to a successful business. The program, which is based on the example set by Springboard for the Arts, aims to support hundreds of local artists in meeting their business goals.
The South Dakota Black Chamber of Commerce aims to create a thriving and inclusive community by empowering minority-owned businesses in the area. They provide advocacy, financial literacy, capital access, and other programs and services to help businesses succeed.
The Community Foundation Grant supports efforts to expand business development, facilitate networking events, and promote mentorship opportunities for black entrepreneurs and business owners.
The South Dakota Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is working to inspire and empower Hispanics in Sioux Falls through education and economic development.
The Community Foundation Grant will focus on building capacity in this young organization. By providing additional training and professional development for staff, board members, and volunteers, they will set the foundation on which to build new programs, classes, and services for the Hispanic community.
Levitt at the Falls uses music to bring community connection opportunities to thousands of people in the Sioux Falls area from diverse backgrounds and age groups.
The Community Foundation Grant will support their All My Relatives Festival, a vibrant two-day celebration of Native American art, culture, and music. By fostering understanding, respect, and inclusive collaboration, they aim empower and amplify the voices of the urban Oceti Sakowin community, thereby enriching Sioux Falls' cultural landscape and fostering community cohesion.